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International dog show Vejen, Denmark 20.06.2015
Varda Bat-Chen: EXC1, CK, bitch Res.CAC, CACIB!!!:) International dog show Vejen, Denmark 21.06.2015 Varda Bat-Chen: EXC1, CK, bitch Res.CAC, CACIB!!!:) Sangre Calienterus Aaron: VG Nat. show Sunndalsøra 25.04.2015 Varda Bat-Chen: EXC1, CQ, BF1, CAC! :) Sunndalsøra 26.04.2015 Varda Bat-Chen: EXC1 Norwegian Kennel Clubs international dogshow Bergen. 11.04.2015 Sangre Calienterus Aaron: EXC, CQ, BM2, CAC, res.CACIB(will be CACIB! :) NORSK UTSTILLINGS CHAMPION! :) Varda Bat-Chen: EXC4.UK Norwegian Kennel Clubs international dogshow Bø.21.02.2015 Sangre Calienterus Aaron: EXC Ak. 3AKK Varda Bat-Chen: EXC.Uk.1Ukk. CQ.CAC.BF1. CACIB.BOS!!! :) :) :) 2015 Norwegian Kennel Clubs international dogshow Lillestrøm 16.11.2014 Sangre Calienterus Aaron: VG Varda Bat-Chen: EXC Norwegian Kennel Clubs international dogshow Lillestrøm 14.11.2014 Sangre Calienterus Aaron: EXC. Varda Bat-Chen: EXC Nat.Show Steinkjer 06.09.2014 Varda Bat-Chen: EXC. 2Jkk Nat.Show Støren 31.08.2014 Varda Bat-Chen: EXC1 Jkk, CQ, Res CAC. 3 best female. Nat.Show Støren 30.08.2014 Varda Bat-Chen: VG.Jkk.3Jkk 20.05.2014 Endelig er vår nye jente her. Varda Bat-Chen. Nat. Show Orkanger: 11.05.2014 Hundeskogen's Amazing Ailo: EXC2 Sangre Calienterus Aaron: EXC1(unghund), CQ, male with res. CAC Nat. Show Orkanger 10.05.2014 Hundeskogen's Amazing Ailo: VG Sangre Calienterus Aaron: VG Nat. Show Sunndalsøra 27.04.2014 *Hundeskogen's Amazing Ailo: EXC1 (jr klasse) CQ, 2. best male with res CAC. Nat. Show Sunndalsøra 26.04.2014 *Hundeskogens's Amazing Ailo: Exc1 (jr klasse) CQ, male. *Hundeskogen's Amazing Aila: EXC2 (jr klasse) NKK BØ 23.02.14 *Sangre Calienterus Aaron: EXC1 (unghund) *Unico Perritos Gnista Gozo in black: G Vi planlegger neste kull i 2015. Kunne du være interessert i en valp, eller ønsker å vite mer om rasen kan du ta kontakt med oss for en uforpliktende prat. Utstilling Dogs4all. Lillestrøm, Norway 16.11.2013 *Sangre Calienterus Aaron: VG Utstilling NKK Harstad, Norway 06.10.2013 *Sangre Calienterus Aaron: VG *Unico Perritos Gnista Gozo in black: EXC. 2pl in open clas. CQ Utstilling: Nat.Show Nesbyen, Norway 02.08.2013: *Hundeskogens Amazing Ailo: BOS puppy. *Hundeskogens Amazing Aila: 4-6 months 03.08.2013 *Sangre Calienterus Aaron: EXC, 1jkk, CQ, best male with CAC and BOB!!! *Unico Perritos Gnista Gozo in black: EXC, 4pl in open clas. 04.08.2013 *Sangre Calienterus Aaron: EXC, 1 jkk, CQ, best male with CAC and BOS!!! *Unico Perritos Gnista Gozo in black: EXC, CQ, 3BTK. Utstilling Vestnes, Norway:30.06.2013 Sangre Calienterus Aaron: EXC, CQ, 3 best male with reserve CAC. Unico Perritos Gnista Gozo in black: EXC, CQ, CAC and BOS Hundeskogens Amazing Aila: BOS puppy. Hundeskogens Amazing Ailo: BOB Puppy and BOG 2. 06.06.2013 Snart på tide å publisere hjemmesiden... Ting tar tid... :) 02.06.2013 Sangre Calienterus Aaron 1 år! 20.05.2013 Ny hjemmeside. |